Want to be an Outlier?
Calling ALL Seasoned Vets, New Grads & Everything
in between...
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Connect with VETerans & accelerate your career!
By joining the Outliers Space, you are agreeing to the following code of conduct:
Embrace the diversity of knowledge and experience within our community, recognizing that every member has valuable insights to offer regardless of their background or expertise.
Commit to fostering a culture of cross-directional mentoring, where individuals of different generations and skill levels can learn from each other's perspectives and experiences.
Support my fellow members through the challenges and uncertainties of advancing in business or career, offering encouragement, guidance, and accountability as needed.
Share openly and generously with my peers, offering my discoveries, insights, and best practices to contribute to the collective success of our community.
No self-promotion, please refrain from excessive self-promotion or advertising. The focus should be on learning and mentoring, not promoting personal interest.
No spamming or trolling, please do not spam the group with irrelevant content or engage in trolling behavior. This disrupts the learning environment.
Report issues if you encounter any issues or concerns. Report concerns to the moderator promptly. Do not engage in public confrontations.
We have fostered the best community around, hands down!