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Jill Rodriguez

Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media for Veterinary Practices

Updated: Sep 26

We’ve spoken time and time again about the importance of social media marketing for veterinary practices. Do it correctly and you’ll effectively attract more clients which will ultimately boost your profit margin. Do it wrong, on the other hand, and you could be wasting valuable time and resources with little to no results to show for it. If you’ve not quite mastered the social side of marketing for your practice, here are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.


Establish your goals. You can’t measure how well you’re doing (and more importantly, whether your investment is paying off) if you don’t have something specific to strive for. Even if it’s as basic as getting to a certain number of fans or followers, determine exactly what it is you want to accomplish.

Schedule and be consistent. Don’t expect to achieve sustainable results if you’re not consistently dedicating time to your social media marketing activities. The good news is you don’t have to set aside hours a week to accomplish your goals. It’s more about quality than quantity, but it does take consistency, so stay the course.

Designate a social media manager. There’s no need to hire an expert, but you should at least designate one person (or a few people) on your team who will manage social media as part of their daily or weekly job duties.

Use technology to your advantage. Today’s technology has made it incredibly easy and efficient to manage almost any administrative task, and that includes social media posting. Utilize tools like Hootsuite and Buffer, which allow you to plan and schedule your posts in advance to be published at a designated day and time of your choosing.

Have fun. Remember – social media is supposed be, well, social. Don’t lose sight of this important fact. Focus on sharing quality content that your clients and prospects will find valuable, take time to engage with them and don’t be afraid to let them see your human side. Doing so will further endear them to your brand, fostering loyalty and increasing word-of-mouth marketing.


Share specific medical advice. Do you know what you’re talking about? Of course you do. But using social media to dole out potential diagnoses and treatment recommendations is not only risky, it will also interfere with your chances of getting those people who are seeking advice to actually pick up the phone and book an appointment.

Blur the lines between professional and personal. The tricky side of using social media for business purposes is that it can be easy to forget the important line between professional and personal. Be careful how you speak to your audience and only designate those in your practice whom you trust to handle social media interactions.

Forget it’s a two-way conversation. The way social media algorithms work – particularly Facebook – is that the more people are engaging with a particular brand, the more exposure that brand will get to those with whom they aren’t yet connected. It’s also important to keep your audience involved and active. Ask questions, respond to comments and participate in discussions. It’ll pay off in the long run.

Ignore negative remarks. It’s never easy to see your practice painted in a not-so-pleasant light, but ignoring (or worse – deleting) negative comments isn’t the answer. To the contrary, responding to poor social media reviews in a positive, professional way and offering to resolve the issue at hand will not only repair the damaged relationship, but it will also demonstrate to anyone who ever comes across the comment in the future that you’re listening and you care about making things right.

Being active on social media can do wonders for supporting your practice’s growth, reaching new prospects and forging that all-important bond with your existing clients – but only if you do it right. The above tips should help you hone your strategy so that you’ll get the best return on your investment.

Our Advice on Do's and Don'ts of Social Media for Veterinary Practices in 2024

What specific metrics should veterinary practices track to measure the success of their social media efforts?

Veterinary practices should track specific social media metrics to gauge the success of their efforts. Engagement metrics, like comments, likes, and shares, reveal how well posts resonate with the audience. Follower growth shows expanding reach, while click-through rates measure how many people are interested enough to visit linked pages. Monitoring conversion rates, such as appointment bookings, indicates if content translates into business. Additionally, analyzing sentiment in comments or reviews can highlight client satisfaction and areas for improvement, ensuring strategies remain aligned with audience expectations.

How can practices determine which social media platforms are most effective for reaching their target audience?

Practices can determine the most effective social media platforms by first understanding the demographics and behaviors of their target audience. Conduct surveys to learn where clients spend their online time and analyze website referral traffic to see which platforms drive visits. Comparing engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments across different channels also helps identify where content resonates best. Monitoring competitors' successful platforms provides further insight. Ultimately, focusing on platforms where clients actively interact ensures a better return on investment in social media marketing.

What are some best practices for creating a consistent brand voice and visual identity across social media channels?

Creating a consistent brand voice and visual identity across social media channels requires clear guidelines and alignment with your practice's core values. Develop a tone that resonates with your audience, whether it's warm and friendly or professional and informative. Visual identity should include a consistent color scheme, logo placement, and image style that align with your brand. Standardized templates help maintain this look. Schedule regular audits of posts across platforms to ensure adherence to guidelines and adjust based on engagement insights for optimal brand cohesion.

What are some tactics for increasing organic reach and engagement on social media in relevant online communities?

To increase organic reach and engagement on social media, practices should use relevant and trending hashtags that align with veterinary topics to increase discoverability. Tagging clients or local businesses in posts encourages sharing and expands visibility. Participating in relevant online communities, such as pet-owner groups, builds credibility and invites more traffic through valuable insights and active discussions. Posting shareable, engaging content like client pet photos, success stories, and educational tips will also stimulate conversations and encourage users to interact, creating a stronger community presence.

What role can paid social media advertising play in a veterinary practice's overall marketing mix?

Paid social media advertising plays a crucial role in enhancing a veterinary practice's marketing mix by amplifying reach and targeting specific demographics. It allows practices to promote services directly to pet owners based on interests, location, or behavior, increasing the likelihood of converting them into clients. Boosted posts and targeted ads can highlight special offers, educational content, or client testimonials, quickly expanding visibility beyond organic followers. This strategic use of paid ads complements organic efforts, ensuring a consistent brand presence while driving measurable growth in engagement and new client acquisition.

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